Double Crochet-DC
Half Double Crochet-HDC
Half Double Crochet Decrease- HDCD
Slip Stitch- sl st
Single Crochet-SC
Start with Los Angeles Tan, Houston Cream, or New York White if you prefer.
Because this yarn is thick it is easiest to start with a magic loop, but you can use a chain loop if you prefer.
Make your loop and ch 2.
Round 1: make 11 DC in the loop and join at the top of the first st with a sl st. Ch 1 (11 st)
Round 2: 2 HDC in each st around and join at the top of the first st with a sl st. Ch 1 (22 st)
Round 3: 2 HDC in the first st, 1 HDC in the next st, repeat around, join at the top with a sl st. (33 st) Tie off end and switch to Cincinnati Red.
Round 4: ch 1, then 1 HDC in each st around, (33 HDC) sl st to the top of the first st, tie off and change to Virginia Beach or preferred color.
Round 5: ch 1, then 1 HDC in each st around, (33 HDC) sl st to the top of the first st, ch 1.
Round 6: 2 HDC in the first st, 1 HDC in the next 10 st. repeat around. (36 HDC) sl st to the top of the first st, ch 1.
Rounds 7-11: 1 HDC in each st around, (36 HDC) sl st to the top of the first st, ch 1.
At the end of round 11 start the first ear flap,
Row 1: 1 HDC in the next 8 st. ch 1
Row 2: sk the first st, 1 HDC in the next 5 st HDCD in the last 2 st. ch 1
Row 3: sk the first st, 1 HDC in the next 2 st, HDCD in the last 2 st. ch 1
Row 4: sk the first st, 1 HDC in the next st HDCD in the last 2 st. tie off and weave in end.
Fold the hat in half making slightly more stitches of the ear flap in the back than the front, and begin the second ear flap by repeating the above instructions.
Round 12: start at the tip of one of the ear flaps and SC evenly around the outside of the hat ending back at the tip and sl st to the top of your first SC.
Ears: make a loop
Round 1: is 8 HDC in the loop and join at the top.
Round 2: 2 HDC in the first st, 1 HDC in the next do this in the first 6 st. only, and tie off leaving a long string to sew on the ear.
Mouth: Switch to a size K Hook
Ch 8 and note that you will be working down both sides of the ch.
Round 1: in the second ch from the hook make 2 HDC then 1 HDC in the next 5 chain st and 2 HDC in the last ch., turn and work down the bottom side of the chain with 2 HDC in the first ch, 1 HDC in the next 5 ch and 2 HDC in the last ch. Join at the top of your first HDC with a sl st, and ch 1.
Round 2: 2 HDC in the next 2 st, 1 HDC in the next 5 st, 2 HDC in the next 4 st, 1 HDC in the next 5 st, and 2 HDC in the last 2 st, join at the top of your first HDC and tie off leaving a long string to sew on the mouth.
Make the smile with a double strand yarn and a yarn needle.
Braids are made of 9 strands of 30 inch yarn for each side.
You may make and sell products from my patterns but if you do I ask that you please link back to my post. Please do not copy and post this pattern and claim it as your own. Please do not re-publish photos as your own. Thanks!!
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